LEDs: The New Standard in Lightning Technology
LED or Light Emitting Diode lighting is a much popular and in-demand lighting technology not just in India but globally. The popularity of LED lights has to do with several factors, particularly its eco-friendliness and durability.
Understanding LED Lights Better
LED works on the principle of solid state lighting or SSL. Solid-state lighting or SSL is a technology in which light-emitting diodes (LEDs) replace conventional incandescent and fluorescentlamps for general lighting purposes. An SSL device produces visible light by means of electroluminescence, a phenomenon in which electric current passing through a specially formulated semiconductor, diode which causes the semi-conductor material to glow.
Benefits of using LED lights
Get increased energy efficiency: Take your average halogen bulb. Of the electricity that it gets, it turns a majority of it, at least 90%, into heat and only 10% gets turned into light. On the other side, LED bulbs just need 15% electrical energy and they turn 85% of it into light and emit lesser heat as compared to halogen bulbs. Thus LED not only helps decrease your electricity bill but also keeps your home cooler.
LED lights are eco-friendly lights: If you care for the environment, then LED lights are the best suitable. They do not emit harmful gases as they do not contain mercury and they also do not emit out UV rays which can cause problems ranging from insect attraction to wallpaper and artwork fading. LED lights also emit much lesser CO2 than any other conventional lights.
On the downside, LEDs cost considerably more than incandescent lamps and somewhat more than CFLs. However, when the long lifespan of the SSL lamp is taken into account, and the long-term reduction in energy consumption is factored in, consumers may actually save money by using LEDs.