The latest trends in home appliances mainly focus on innovations which is aimed at preserving natural resources and being energy efficient. The outcome is not just an appliance that preserves energy but also one which stands out for its outstanding design. Everyone wants to have an appliance that saves time and gets the job done quickly. This is most often a ‘wish list’ among the young urban couples. White goods like Air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, microwave ovens and consumer electronics like Televisions, DVDs, digital cameras etc. have been designed with fresh look, smart features and vibrant colours. If you do look for energy efficient appliances then choose the ones having 5-star rating.

Consider the home laundry system where there are many models available that are energy efficient, economically uses water, has intelligent detergent dispensing system, has programmes for washing different types of fabric, and programmes to remove stubborn stains and even programmes for baby clothes. The appliances have been developed with enhanced antibacterial door seals, automatic programmes that use sensors and adds a specific note to noise reduction. In case you are on the lookout, it’s preferable to have an automatic machine whether top loading or front loading because the wash quality is better than semi-automatic. Some of the machines have timer indicating how long it takes to complete the wash. The top loading machines are ergonomically designed to fit your space. If you prefer to have cost effective and less maintenance appliance then top load is better.
The refrigerator is the most commonly sought for indispensable appliance which helps to keep food fresh for longer periods. There are many models available in the market but manufacturers ensure to see appliance consume less energy which is indicated by their star rating. The higher the number lesser is their energy consumption. The commonly available are frost free and direct cool type. Latest trends have ones that have different air flow systems, one for the freezer and other for rest of the compartment, preventing mixing of odours of different food items stored. There are ones with in built inverters itself. But the most recent advancement is the use of high tech sensor that can sense the temperature of the food and adjust the temperature keeping it fresh. With the change in climatic conditions, the air conditioners have become a necessity for every household. There are two common types, namely window and split unit type. The foremost requires minimal installation while latter one can be fitted in any room. All models have energy efficient features, automated cleaning, and additional features along with a remote. Depending on the size of the room, how long it needs to be used the capacity of the air conditioner is decided.

Indian food is comprised of spices and masala. To add flavour to our food, women had been using the stone pestle to grind them. But now it has been replaced by the wet and dry grinder. In the market there are wide variety and range of models to select from. Depending on your use and features available selection can be made.
There other items like bread toasters, coffee maker, table top grinders, air fryers, ovens, microwave ovens, bread toaster, electric grill, induction stove, etc. To add to the list is air humidifier, air purifier, water purifier.
As people are becoming more health conscious, innovation has led to making of air fryer which uses Rapid air technology to fry with air for which air gets heated from 21 deg. C to 200 deg. C in 3 minutes! The water purifier systems helps to remove hardness in water and prevent bacteria or virus in the water that you want to consume. There are many water purifier systems in the market and it needs to be installed after testing the waterhardness.