Feng shui, pronounced as either Fung shui or Fung shway, is an ancient science that originated in China around 3,000 years ago. Feng shui is all about balancing energies of a space to ensure health and good fortune for the people inhabiting it.
The principles of Feng shui
Feng and shui are two Chinese terms, feng stands for wind and shui is water. Since both these elements are needed for human survival, they are also said to bring in good health. According to feng shui, land is a living thing and is filled with energy or chi. Wind and water possess energy and even living beings comprise these two elements. Hence feng shui uses these elements to create a living environment that allows smooth flow of chi.

The tools used in Feng shui
The theory of yin and yang, a compass, the bagua, colour, art, light, sound, living things, water, wind-sensitive objects, mirrors and crystals are some of the tools used in feng shui.
The theory of yin and yang: As per feng shui, there are two opposite but interconnected forces all around us. Yin is the feminine force and yang is the masculine force. Yin stands for all those things that are soft, dark, gentle, passive while yang is about things that are hard, bright, tough and active. Feng shui incorporates such elements to create a harmonious working and living space.
The yin and yang theory is all about balancing the contrasting features in a space. For example, if you have a hard chair, add soft cushions to it or in a room which is painted with a darker shade, paint one wall with a softer shade. The right balance of yin and yang makes your space peaceful, secure and cheerful.
The compass: Luopan is the feng shui compass. Luo stands for everything and pan is the word for bowl. It means a bowl that contains everything that the universe stands for. It is used to know more about a space or a dwelling. Concentric rings are arranged around a magnetic needle.

The bagua: It is feng shi energy map and is essentially an octagonal web which has the symbols of I Ching, the ancient oracle on which the feng shui is founded. Using bagua, you can find out about specific directions which when balanced can bring health, wealth and peace.
Colour: Feng shui uses different colours to represent the five elements, namely, fire, earth, metal, wood and water.
Sound: It is about creating a harmonious sound in your living space or rather attracting music. That explains the significance of wind chimes in feng shui.
Light: Light can balance out dark areas in a home. Feng shui advocates using light bulbs that kindle natural light, to allow the flow of chi. Fire places and candles too can be used to bestow light and energy around.

Art: In feng shui, art is considered as a great tool to allow the flow of chi. Not any other art, but those pieces that have positive images.
Living things: Any kind of living thing, be it plants, fresh flowers or animals are said to bring in chi to your living space. You can keep pets or even a fish bowl. Dried flowers are a no-no in feng shui.
Water: The presence of water around your surroundings, be it in the form of a fish tank or a water fountain but the sound should be pleasing.
Wind-sensitive items: Things such as wind chimes, flags and whirlgigs help attract positive chi.
Mirrors: In feng shui, mirrors are used to reflect pleasant views inside home or to correct the shape of a wall and it can also be used outside to deflect negative energies.
Crystals: Crystals have an important place in feng shui and represent the energy within earth. A hanging crystal not only reflects sunshine but also fills the space with multi coloured hues.