Art, Paintings, Medals, Photographs, and family heirlooms all when displayed in your home show your taste and personality. In order to enhance their effect, and immediately draw eyes to them, we use frames, which complement the piece in a way that it enhances its beauty and effect.
Choosing a Right frame is quite important as it enhances the beauty of the wall and the room. The primary purpose of a frame is to focus your attention on the work of art. Framing is an art in itself, and just as a good frame choice can greatly enhance the appearance of a work, a poor frame choice drastically diminishes it.

- Wooden Frames: They give a warmer, raw earthy and more inviting look to a room. They come in both types polished and unpolished rough look. They are comparatively costly if you want good quality wood. You should choose one of these if you are framing Painting, Rich color photograph, degree or an heirloom piece.
- Metal Frames: On the contrary, metal frames with their sharp corners and straight edges are bold and modern. They do wonder to black and white photos, or other modern art. PVC Frames: They are most popular and commonly used today as they have a Natural wood like look and are available in a variety of finishes and colors. They are durable and give a contemporary feel.

1. Measure: Make sure that you have measured the length and width of your picture right.
2. Select Frame Type: Chose the frame wooden / metal / pvc which looks the best with your artwork.
3. Glass/ Glazing: This is the cover that protects your piece from temperature and humidity.
4. Thickness: Pick the right thickness which doesn’t overpower the picture. Remember, a thinner frame should be used for small pictures, and a thicker one for larger ones.
5. Effect you want to create: A frame with sloping edges draw the eyes towards the picture, while a more ornate frame draw attention to the frame itself. Larger paintings usually look best with wider moldings and, therefore, larger frames.
6. Right style: Antique looking or Wooden frames are ideal for older pictures, while Plastic / Shiny Metal/ Chrome frames are more contemporary and work with modern prints and photos. A painting’s style should suggest the frame style.
7. Display place: Factors like color of the walls and the textiles like drapes, rugs should also be considered in order to complement the overall look of the room.
8. Number of Frames: If you place many frames in a small room, you will end up making it look even smaller. You can experiment more freely if the room is large, with extra large framed paintings, or a mosaic of small frames hung closely together.
9. Lifespan: If you are framing an original piece or anything you plan to keep for long, be sure that the frame has an acid free backing board or mat board. 10. Professional Framers: Your artwork is important and should be treated with best care; hence take help of professional framers. By doing this, at any time in the future you would be able to remove your artwork from the framing structure without causing any damage. Conservation mounting is imperative for works of value or anticipated future value.

Framing has no hard and fast rules. Feel free to experiment! A nontraditional painting can look like a million dollars framed in a hefty, ornate and traditional molding, and a very small painting can take on new importance and become a special gem when placed in an oversized frame. Here’s where the advice of a professional framer is especially helpful.