Furniture in your children’s room can be a challenge either you like it and they don’t, or they outgrow it so fast that neither of you enjoy it. In recent years, furniture manufacturers have put more marketing and production effort into kid’s room furniture from nursery furniture to teenagers, their furniture can be unique and appeal to both the kids and the parents. Kids needs are different, they need furniture for various purpose such as to sit and study, to put their clothes and toys on and the most important to sleep on. When you plan to buy furniture for your kids its best to start with the basics and consider your kids needs, have a clear idea what does your kid exactly need. The two major factors are durability and kid’s safety, by simply providing your kids the furniture in their rooms in a way you are helping them in keeping their room organized.

Discuss the room with your kid: – Before you actually go out to shop discuss with your children what they exactly need after all it’s their room, and they will enjoy it more if they have a say in how it looks. For ease of conversation, pick themes, colors and ideas beforehand and present a few options then have them choose from your options. If you are stuck as to where to start, look at furniture magazines and online resources for inspiration. The furniture in your child’s room should reflect their personality as of who they are or would like to become.
Set a budget: – Its waste of time going out to shop without setting budget, adopt a realistic approach and buy only if the furniture matches your kid’s needs. Consider every aspect such as how long will your kid be using it and will it suit the needs of your kids in the second phase.

Versatility for longevity: – The mental thought behind buying children’s furniture is different from that of adult furniture, for the simple fact that children tend to grow faster. Along with you budget you need to decide whether you prefer a single piece of furniture that can take your child from a crib into pre teen years. The second option is to buy furniture at each stage as your child grows. If you want to change décor often or want to change furniture as per the current design than the second option is better. Kids grow fast, specifically for children who u grow taller quickly, in such cases buying a adult size bed at an early age is better.
Make it fun: – Children’s room is the one room in the house that doesn’t have to go with the hard and fast decorative rules and the rest of the décor theme. . If your child loves bright colors you may have them into decorative beddings, matching lighting fixtures, floor rugs etc. If your child like colors that you don’t favor paint the room in a neutral tone, add your child’s desired color in a piece of furniture or bedding, being creative is fun so experiment as an when you can.

Safety first: – Undoubtedly, the safety of your kid stands the top priority. Make sure the furniture does not have sharp edges and is made up of strong material. The finishing should not be done in substances that would not be harmful to your children if ingested. Furniture with a height may cause injury if the child falls, so avoid buying them. Make sure children who uses double decker beds are well protected by rails. Before buying the furniture ensure that all drawers are working properly, check if the handles are well placed, are not easy to break and not pointed.

Types of Furniture for your kids
Beds: – It is best to buy a separate bed if your kid grows at-least 35 inches tall or strong enough to climb out of his crib. Toddler’s beds are usually low in height and foster the feeling of independence that allows them to get in and out of the bed on their own. This is an economical bed some of the beds come with small side rails preventing your child from rolling out of the bed.
Table and chairs: – once your child has started walking it may be difficult for him to adjust with the adult size furniture it’s better to give him a separate space in the form of a table and chair which is useful to play games, eat and make crafts it’s easy to clean and maintain them a daily wiper with a non-toxic household cleaner is all you need to maintain them.
Kids’ Bookcases: encourage your kids to read by simply providing them a separate space to store their favorite books. A taller bookcase is likely to store more books however you have to ensure that it has been properly anchored to the wall for support for a safety reason a short bookcase is better as it has less chance to tip off.
Cupboards: – With all the toys, games and clothes a separate cupboard for kids is essential above else cupboards helps your kids grow more organized these days the newer idea is large closet that easily opens to reveal a desk area and a storage for various things. By simply introducing your kids to the idea of storage at an early age you are incorporating the values of organizing and cleanness.
Picking the right furniture for your kids will be easy if you know what things to consider and what to look for, so before you hit the furniture shop in your area or search over the web, you need to jot down your own guidelines for you to have an easy and comfortable shopping.