Bean bags have been a rage since some time now. They are cozy and comfortable to sit on and relax and that’s the reason why both children and adults love the ‘chubby’ seats.

Facts and trivia about bean bags
Bean bag actually is a sealed bag filled with polystyrene balls or PVC pellets. Earlier, they used to be filled with dried beans and hence the name.
The original bean bag was manufactured by an Italian firm called Zanotta in the year 1969. It was designed by the trio Franco Teodoro, Piero Gatti and Cesare Paolini. The idea came to them when they saw that some of the company staff would be relaxing on bags filled with Styrofoam during breaks. The first bean bag made for seating purposes was called sacco which was in the shape of a pear and made from leather and filled with Styrofoam beans.
Bean bags bring comfort
When it comes to seating, what most of us look for is comfort. Bean bags are symbolic of comfort and relaxation. It is a great addition to any rooms.
You can add a bean bag in your living room so that you and your guests can have a relaxing get together.
A bean bag feels great in a TV room. Just cuddle up in the bean bag with popcorns and enjoy your favourite programmes with great comfort.
When it comes to kids’ room, there is nothing more convenient and soothing than a bean bag. Which kid won’t love to jump up and high on a bean bag?
Add couple of bean bags in your family room so that the family time becomes more exciting and relaxing. You can even add a bean bag to your bed room. In case, you want to catch up on late night book readings, just snuggle up on a bean bag with your favourite author.

Bean bags are perfect for any home
Not only are they relaxing and soothing to sit on, they are also good for your back. When you look at factors such as cost, flexibility, comfort, convenience and diversity, there is nothing that can bean bag.
If you are living in a bachelor pad or in a small flat or a spacious house, bean bags fit all places as there is hardly anyone who will not squeal with delight on spotting a bean bag. Cost wise, bean bags are cheaper than conventional furniture. Since bean bags are suitable to each member of the family, its utility is more than any other furniture. They are not heavy though they look so and can be carried around. Bean bags also have therapeutic value because it takes the shape of the person sitting on it and thereby providing comfort and relief.

The variety of bean bags
Today, bean bags are available in a whole range of designs, styles and colours. Generally, there are four standard shapes for bean bags, namely, teardrop, sack, cylinder and armchair.
Sack: Sack is one of the most popular designs in bean bags. Today you get many designs of this style, one of the popular ones are that of football designs.
Tear drop bean bag: It looks like a tear drop with a wide base that narrows towards its tip. You will get many styles and colors in this design.
The lounger bean bag: It is more like a couch and has space for a small family.
The pouffe bean bag: Shaped like a cloud, it comes in various colours and fabrics.
The bean bag chair: It is shaped like a chair but with more comfort and convenience because it is also a bean bag!